Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Australian Federal Elections Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Australian Federal Elections - Essay Example Put another way, the winning candidate is the "most preferred". An electoral system is biased by the absence of universal adult suffrage that would represent a kind of bias, and most the notion of "one vote, one value" should be implemented in order to avoid a further potential source of bias. The non-partisan bias means is non-proportional representation i.e., differences between the proportion of votes obtained by a party and the proportion of seats won by it. In the Australian context, such bias is most important in the House of Representatives, although even in the Senate a party could obtain 10 percent or more of the vote without winning a seat (depending on the preferences of other parties). This is an example of what is sometimes called a minor party bias. This type of bias is even more obvious in the House of Representatives. In 1998 the National Party obtained 16 seats (10. 8 per cent of the total) with only 5.7 per cent of the first preference vote. There are two chief differences between the situations of the Nationals and the two other parties: the first is that the National's vote is more geographically concentrated and the second is the fact that the Nationals' and Liberals' preferences mainly go to each other. The rewarding of geographic concentration is an essential feature of electoral systems which use single-member districts; it was, of course, a fundamental reason for originally using single-member districts i.e., to provide representation for the electors of a particular area. Many people would still argue in favour of this, despite the growth of strong parties to reduce the strength of link between the elected representative and the district, and also despite communication systems being much faster and more extensive than in the 19th Century. Thus, in 1998, Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party obtained no seats despite obtaining 8.4 per cent of the first preference votes. So, here it may be easily pointed out that the non-partisan type of bias arises as a consequence of the type of electoral system used and would apply equally to any party which has important consequences. The another systemic, non-partisan "winner's hunts" as quantified by the cube law has simply a reflection of and is not evidence of bias in drawing boundaries. The "winner's bonus" factor in Australia, known as the cube law which says that in a two-party, single-member electoral system with equal numbers of votes in each district, tile numbers of seats won by the two parties will be roughly in the ratio of the cube of their vote proportions. Single-member systems have another form of non-partisan bias, one which is often referred to as leading to a "winner's bonus". The winning party will generally obtain a larger percentage of seats than it does of votes; this is non-partisan because it usually applies to whichever party wins an election. It is actually a feature of single-member systems which a number of people find very desirable, because it tends to lead to

Monday, October 28, 2019

Optical Distortion Essay Example for Free

Optical Distortion Essay What is the optimal pricing policy for Optical Distortion, Inc. (ODI) so its product can penetrate the market with sustainable contribution? Company: ODI manufactures and market contact lens for chicken that could partially blind the chicken thus prevent chickens from cannibalism behaviors toward each other, a problem that was traditionally solved by debeaking. Competition: Primary- The product is revolutionary at the time, plus ODI secured an exclusive contract with the suppliers for the contact’s material. As such, we expect no other firms would product the same product to compete with ODI in the short term. Secondary- Traditionally, debeaking is the method to solve the cannibalism problem among chickens. The labor cost of debeaking is about the same as the cost of contact lens installation. Nevertheless, contact lens provides other benefits compared to debeaking such as further lowering the mortality rate of chicken caused by cannibalism, reducing the feed consumption, and causing no negative effects to the productivity of a chicken. Customer: In order to substantiate the benefit of ODI’s product, a chicken farm needs to have at least 10,000 or more chickens. Such farms comprise of 3% of total US chicken farm. From exhibit 3, California has 592 farms with flock size of 20,000 or more in 1969. Segmentation: From the geographic perspective, California, North Carolina, and Georgia are the largest markets in the U. S. Given that ODI only has $200,000 initial capital and only four people work part time for the project, ODI should focus on the California market at least for the beginning. From the farm size perspective, the size of a chicken farm can be categorized as small farm, which has 10,000 or fewer chicken, medium farms, which has 10,000 to 50,000 chicken, and large farms, which contain over 50,000 chickens. Targeting: ODI should focus on large farms first then medium farms. Small farms are not ODI’s target because they are not economically feasible for ODI’s products. Focusing on large farms has several benefits: first, large farms has much greater potential benefits to use ODI’s products due to the economy of scale, the substantial financial incentives will make the persuasions to use ODI’s products much easier. Second, the owners of large farms are more likely to be entrepreneurial minded and are more open to adopt new and novel technologies/products. Third, if large farms start to use ODI’s products, smaller farms may be attracted to follow these large farm’s steps. Fourth, consider the extremely limited sales force of ODI in the initial phrase, focusing on large farms can bring more contributions for the company. Positioning: For owners of chicken farms with more than 10,000 birds in California, ODI’s product can successfully reduces the morality rate of chicken due to cannibalism and lower the feed consumption of chickens without the negative effects that result in loss in egg productions, exemplified by this revolutionary products that underwent numerous trials and testings. P Analysis: Of the 4 P’s, the most relevant one is the pricing strategy for ODI because it will directly impact the penetration rate and positioning of the new product. Price- Based on the information provided in the case, we can derive the potential benefit of using ODI’s contact lens versus traditional debeaking method.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Execution as an Appropriate Deterrent to Crime :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays

Execution as an Appropriate Deterrent to Crime Execution is an appropriate punishment for people convicted of premeditated murder, rape, treason or child molestation. By allowing these people to live in prisons for their whole lives, taxpayers' money is being wasted. More money is spent on providing for convicts than is spent on disadvantaged children in the United States. New prisons also have to be built, using taxpayers' money, to house convicts. Those prisoners who are there for life should be executed, creating more room for other criminals without having to build more prisons. Execution would also lessen the level of violent crime because felons would not want to die. By making and example of people who are executed for murder, child molestation or rape, other people considering committing these crimes might be deterred. One needs to consider that it costs a lot to execute people. Also, a person executed might be innocent. Once someone is killed, there is no way to bring him back. There is also really no way to compensate the family for the mistake. By letting people live and not executing them, there is no risk that they execute an innocent person. There are other, more meaningful ways to punish people without killing them. By having a murderer make restitution to the surviving family members, he will have to consider what he did every day of his life. If the murderer is executed, it is over and the family will not be compensated. Also, working in jails and building new ones creates jobs for other people. Others also look at the moral issues. A constant truth everyone is taught is that two wrongs don't make it right. By executing people, some interpret it as saying that two wrongs do make it right. The executioner is also a murderer though he does it legally. The executioner must be a medical doctor , but by executing people., he is violating the Hippocratic Oath, that all doctors take, which says that he will preserve life, not destroy it. People who argue that execution is immoral have to realize that the law is above morals. Overall, it would cost less to execute someone than it would to feed, clothe, house and entertain a person for twenty years. The money saved by not having to provide for people in jails could be used to create other jobs for people.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Asian Americans Essay

Asians are not a homogenous group. They do, however, constitute a significant minority group in the United States. Asian Americans represent many distinct subgroups that speak different languages, worship through different religions, and practice different customs and beliefs. The main groups are East Asians (Chinese, Japanese, Korean), Pacific Islanders, Southeast Asians (Thai, Vietnamese, Cambodian, Laotian), and South Asian (Indian and Pakistani). Threads of similarities may run through the subgroups, but they all have distinct histories, origins, and cultural roots. Among these groups, differences also exist within national groups, families, and individuals themselves. Some Asians were born in the United States, while others come from abroad. Some are affluent and come with highly developed skills while others are barely literate. Regardless of success or acculturation, many Asians are stereotyped as the â€Å"model minority† because often the Asian student is often the one who is at the head of the class and is the valedictorian at graduation. Many people believe that the Confucian ideas that stress family ideals, respect for elders, deferred gratification, and discipline, are the reason for high educational achievement. Studies show that Asian Americans are more likely to believe that success in life is connected to what has been studied in school. American schooling may contradict the fundamental cultural beliefs of Asians because it emphasizes individualism and competition, while the ethnic identify of Asian children is often based on their relationship to the group and allegiance to family. Academic achievement and upward mobility are viewed as an obligation for the maintenance of the family, which is the responsibility of all family members. Additionally, Asian parents teach their children to respect authority, feel responsibility for relatives, and show self-control. School failure is seen as a lack of will, and this failure can be alleviated by increasing parental restrictions. Baruth and Manning (1992) claim that Asian American children need reinforcement from the teacher, and work more efficiently in quiet, wellstructured surroundings. These children appear to be more dependent, conforming, and obedient by placing the family’s welfare before their own desires. Asians may be confused with the apparent teacher/student informality of the American classroom, and function better with structure and organization. (Baruth & Manning, 1992). Asian cultures also value the idea of humility and/or self-effacement. Children may not volunteer to participate in the classroom until specifically asked by the teacher. Drawing attention to oneself by virtue of misbehaving might cause great distress and result in â€Å"losing face† because children are taught to value silence, listen more than speak, speak softly, and be modest in dress and behavior. The following suggestions are offered by Feng (1994) as a formula for teachers to address issues concerning the diversity of Asian American cultures. It should be noted, however, that these suggestions could be implemented for any ethnic group. Get to know the customs, values, and traditions of various cultures, and learn the conditions under which students came to the United States. Try to visit the students’ homes and get to know the families. Learn a few words of the students’ native language to set the tone for communication. Encourage native language use at home. Use English-proficient interpreters with parents. Try to learn the children’s names and pronounce them correctly. Be careful not to encourage discord between home values and school expectations. For example, if the home expectation is conformity, don’t encourage the child to challenge the teacher. Academic expectation should be based on ability rather than stereotypical beliefs. Peer tutoring can be used for children who are not yet proficient in English. Know who make decisions for the child and utilize the natural support system. Develop strong home-school links for communication. Avoid assumptions about children’s prior knowledge and experience (e.g., not every child has experienced a birthday party). Discover what you can about Asian parent networks. The best way to remove a cultural barrier is to appear sincere. Common Characteristics of Many Asian Cultures (Culture grams) Greetings: Bow or nod Individuals do not touch each other Little or no public display of affection Stand far apart (even farther than Americans do) Gestures: Smiling and laughing often indicate embarrassment Little or no affection is shown in public It is impolite to speak loudly Hand and arm gestures are not often used in conversation People’s sneezes are not usually acknowledged. People are beckoned by waving all the fingers with the palm of the hand facing down. Pointing is done with the entire hand. Japanese say no by shaking the hand from side to side with the palm forward, and point to themselves with their pointer finger facing their nose. People must sit erect with both feet on the floor; it is impolite to put an ankle on the knee. Yawning is impolite. Vietnamese men do not offer to shake hands with women. General attitudes: Society is group oriented. Loyalty is to the group, the family, and to one’s superiors as opposed to personal feelings. Humility and self-effacing comments are normal. It is essential to act similar to or in harmony with the crowd. People strive to conform in appearance (even when wearing the latest Western styles, people must try to look like everyone else). Reserve and modesty must be observed at all times. It is important to save face at all times, for self and others. People will often allow others to escape potential embarrassment with dignity. Goals and decisions are made with the good of the group in mind, not for the personal benefit of any individual. Time: Being late is impolite. People are prompt or a little bit early (for social as well as business affairs). Family: The family is extremely important. The family has a strong tradition of respect and loyalty. There is a strong sense of family reputation and family obligation. Elders  are highly respected. Many members of the extended family (particularly in- laws) live together. Cultural Backgrounds Teaching and learning styles reflect cultural backgrounds. Students who have teachers from their same culture have little problem understanding the cues provided by the teacher. Students will already be familiar with the appropriate interactional behaviors expected in the classroom. Some students are from cultures with values that promote field dependence (a more community oriented style), while other cultures are inclined to be field independent, which encourages independence and competition. With proper instruction, field-dependent and field- independent students can learn to be bicognitive; that is, their learning styles can be expanded to function appropriately in any given situation. Teachers need to provide activities that incorporate all types of learning styles. If they are aware of their own cultural learning styles and preferences, teachers will be better prepared to recognize the learning styles of their students. Stereotyping Stereotyping can happen when false and exaggerated characteristics of a group are attributed to the individual, but socio typing involves an accurate generalization about cultural groups as a whole. If teachers misinterpret the learning style data and make decisions based on incorrect assumptions, students can be hurt or limited in their school experience. Mainstream teachers are often at odds with their diverse students because they are unaware of the differing cultural values they bring to the classroom. To promote effective teaching, teachers need to plan curriculum and instruction to incorporate the learning styles of their students. If students are uncomfortable in class, they may become bored, unresponsive, or test poorly. Classroom Interaction Based on cultural norms, participation structures describe the interactions of students in the classroom, when and how to speak, and what to speak about. Teachers may misinterpret inappropriate or awkward classroom interaction, as every culture has individual norms that dictate proper classroom behavior and student-teacher interaction. Directness in speech is valued in the American cultures. â€Å"Don’t beat around the bush,† â€Å"Get to the  point,† and â€Å"The bottom line is†¦,† are indicators of the values placed on direct speech. â€Å"Indirect speech† is an objective of cultural patterns held by Asians, Native Americans, and many Latin American cultural groups. It is important to â€Å"save face† by not embarrassing others or shaming another person. High-context cultures (such as Japanese) do not have to talk much because the members of the society communicate with intrinsic knowledge of how others think, feel, and what they ex pect. Low-context cultures (such as American, Swiss and German) must be very specific and explain everything- what is expected, what the rules are, and how things should be done. These cultural expectations are mirrored by how people think and act. Body Language Miscommunication occurs during verbal interaction as well as through body language. Kinesics (the study of body language) includes facial expressions, posture, gestures, body movements, eye contact, or any ritual, that conveys messages or meaning for a culture. The Japanese bow is an example of kinesics. From the American standpoint, a bow is just a hello or good-bye gesture. However, to the Japanese (and some other Asian cultures), a bow can be quite complex because a deeper meaning can be conveyed by the bow. The lower-status individual must begin the bow, and must bow lower than the higher-status person. When the individuals bowing are equals in society, the bow is simultaneous and of the same depth. It can be erroneous to attempt to read someone’s behavior based on our own frames of reference. Nonlinguistic Communication Every culture has its own way of depicting the following domains of nonlinguistic communication: Paralinguistic: Sounds that accompany language and vocalizations that replace speech. Kinesics: The study of body motion, gestures, unconscious body movement. Oculesics: Eye contact and motion to indicate meaning. Individuals from some cultures show respect and interest by making eye contact (e.g. Americans) while other cultures show respect by not making eye contact (i.e., Haiti, and Puerto Rico). Haptics: Location, frequency, and contexts in which people touch. Proxemics: The unconscious use and organization of personal space. Chronemics: Perception and use of time. Monochronic time: Doing one thing at a time, in a linear fashion (e.g., American). Polychronic time: Doing many things at a time (e.g., Hispanic). All cultures operate on their own systems of communication, and these beliefs will be manifested within the everyday context of the classroom. Knowledge of nonverbal communication specific to other cultures will help teachers to understand the students they teach, and well as students’ parents. Educators must be careful not to make the mistake of judging people’s emotions by using their own cultural indicators. Not everyone shows grief, anger, happiness, and embarrassment, or other emotions in the same manner. Students with teachers from their same culture have little problem understanding the cues provided by the teacher and the appropriate interactional behaviors expected in the classroom. Those children and teachers from differing cultures do not know the rules of each other’s cultural rules and have difficulty inte rpreting correct teacher-student interactions. Although not the panacea to end all classroom problems, effective teaching is more apt to take place if both the teacher and student are aware of the benefits of integrating appropriate instructional materials that correspond with culturally congruent teaching and learning styles. Knowing that cultural patterns drive behavior, teachers who are aware that their students have differing cognitive styles are able to adapt their classrooms to include activities that incorporate all types of learning in their teaching. The teacher will begin to understand why some students experience problems when their natural learning styles are incompatible with the teaching style of the teacher. Various researchers have pointed out that Asian students tend to be highly visual learners. Hispanics are generally auditory learners, and non-Westerners are more inclined to learn through tactile and kinesthetic modes. The following information is given as a general guide for teachers to better understand the needs and styles of individual students. Individual personalities will always preside over the overarching cultural characteristics, yet teaching will be more effective and teachers can make modifications and adaptations to their curriculum and if they are aware of cultural differences. Hispanics Carrasquillo (1991) notes that Hispanic students are diverse due to different backgrounds, but they may share general experiences through family  structure, religious beliefs, and general customs. Spanish-speaking cultures include people from many countries (including the United States) with unique characteristics. The common thread is the fact that they all speak Spanish, albeit with varying degrees of fluency, accents, intonation, verb structures (i.e. tu, usted, and vos) and certainly different connotations for similar words. These societal variations can be likened to the differences among the United States, Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Jamaica, and South Africa. Culture grams (produced by Brigham Young University) offer cultural information as an â€Å"aid to the understanding of, feeling for, and communication with other people.†

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


A time to live, a time to die†¦ Whose choice is it? Euthanasia is a topic that is rarely covered in the news. The moral ramifications of killing someone, even for the sake of mercy, seems too heavy of a topic for in depth discussion. No one wants to think about the day they will die, however when someone becomes terminally ill it can soon become their only thought. When pain and suffering enter this scenario, the option of ending a life more quickly may also enter the thought process. According to Life and Hope Network â€Å"9% of all deaths inAmerica are caused by Euthanasia† 1 We are given the gift of life at birth. I believe Euthanasia is a violation of the most precious gift we are given†¦ Life As stated by the Hospice foundation of America â€Å"Hospitals (Hospice) stands for [guest house. ] Hospice is a special type of care for patients who are not able to be cured. This loving act usually comes in the patient's finals days when they have been sent home from t he hospital and are waiting for their day to come. Hospice makes their patients feel comfortable and tries to ease their pain as much as possible.The providers also re there for their families to comfort them before and after their loved ones death. â€Å"2 With health care facilities caring for the sick and terminally ill patients, there are many options to choose from for a less painful way to pass than ending a life by Euthanasia. Someone once asked if using Euthanasia on animals was the same as using it on humans saying quote â€Å"If we use Euthanasia to put animals out of their pain and misery why is that not the same as helping Grandma by not letting her suffer anymore? 3 Animals and humans are vastly different. The main thing that sets unmans apart is the fact that they have a soul, whereas animals do not. Ending the life of a human because they no longer see a reason to live is a horrible alternative to seeking available pain management. Human life is sacred and should no t be terminated simply because life becomes hard. Often questions arise in situations like these such as†¦ † In old age do we as humans still have a life worth living? † Ecclesiastic 7:17 in the Bible says â€Å"†¦ Why should you die before your time? The Lord has a plan for everyone's life and when someone takes their life or someone else's before their time, they have disobeyed God's commands. The United States has learned a great deal about the dangers of Euthanasia and has created laws after hearing about cases such as Terry Shiva, Terry had a cardiac- respiratory arrest at 26, her doctors said it was caused by â€Å"lack of oxygen to the brain. † Terry was put on a feeding tube for more than 15 years and later passed away due lack of nourishment. When the court ordered the physicians to remove her feeding tube, she died 13 days later. Another case where Euthanasia was used to end an innocent life was Baby Doe, an infant baby boy who was born with D own syndrome and a hole in his throat. His parents decided that living a life like that would be unfair to him as he grew, so they asked his physician to remove his breathing tube. 6 One more scenario would be Nancy Curran, a person who was injured from an automobile accident and was left brain dead. Nanny's parent removed her feeding tube saying â€Å"This is what Nancy would have wanted. † That case led to the debate about families choosing life or death for individuals in a vegetative state.Nancy did not have a living will, so her parents made the suggestion of death fully on the basis of their own thinking. They weighed the question of whether Nancy loud have wanted to stay alive in such a state as she was or if she would have preferred to be taken off of her feeding tube. Dry. Jack Sovereign, better known as â€Å"Dry. Death,† was a man who fully supported Dry. Assisted suicide. Jack had assisted dozens of suicides and was willing to show news reporters his  "death machine† on the spot. He had been on trial many times for murder.Every time he won, with the statement â€Å"terminally ill patients should decide how and when they wish to die. † That statement left families on edge and very upset that there was no stopping this awful act. He later passed at the age of 83 dying of kidney failure. Jack, as are each of us, was promised by God that he will be face to face with Him. 2 Corinthians 5:10 declares, â€Å"For we must all appear before the Judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil. † The Bible states â€Å"Do not murder† In Exodus 20:13.It also says in Matthew 12:37 â€Å"For by your words you will be Justified, and by your words you will be condemned. † According to the Bible murder is murder. Manmade laws however do not always count all forms of assisted death as murder. That presents the questions. † Is there diffe rence between allowing someone to ask another to shoot them with a weapon or asking them to give them a shot of a deathly drug? If it is illegal to murder someone by suffocating them with a pillow, how is that different from someone asking another to suffocate them with a pillow? Although Euthanasia has varying opinions due to different situations, it is still Biblically, morally and logically wrong. The Lord tells us that we are not promised a tomorrow, but we will face Him on judgment day. We should therefore strive to obey His commands by not partaking in any form of murder, whether legal or not. It may be a difficult decision whether to stay in a hospital and receive care or to go home and have hospice come in to make the terminally ill person feel at ease. Antigone Antigens is about a princess, Antigens, who buries her brother after he and her other brother fought each other to death. As a result, King Croon wants to punish/kill Antigens for this while still him remembering that he had raised her. Due to the brothers fighting to death, a place to be king opened up for Croon to become the new king. The quote, â€Å"Where love rules, there Is no will to power; and where power predominates, there love Is lacking.The one Is the shadow of the other,† is by Carl Jung. The quotation relates to how when Croon wasn't inning, he ruled by love, but when he became king, his love lacked and ruled by pride and power. The quotation by Carl Jung relates to Croon one way by how Croon, before he was king, ruled by love. This ruling by love was evident when Croon raised Oedipus' four kids, He was a father to them and took care of them. Whenever he could, he would settle things as If he were their father, by love, and was fair to them before he became king. An example of Screen's fairness to them was since both of Oedipus' sons were both next in line to be king, Croon made a deal with them which was that the sons take turns with each other being the king for a year. Croon had his own blood- related son, Hammond, who in a scene argues with Croon, â€Å"Antigens is as much your daughter as I am your son†¦ You, to your own son, are seeking to take away what I love most without reason† (1. 3. 8-91 p What Hammond was meaning was that Croon loves Antidote as a daughter. Croon, before blinded by power and pride, ruled by love and not by will power.Another way how Carl Junk's quote relates to King Croon is by how when Croon became king, his love lacked, and ruled by power and pride. Whenever King Croon learned of Antigens being the one who buried her brother, his pride and power louder his judgment. â€Å"girl guilty of treason. Breaking the given laws†¦ [your death] gives me everything† (1. 2. 81-94). The referenced ph rase from the play Antigens, is an example of Screen's Judgment being clouded thinking that it was an act of anarchy and treason so she had to be punished/killed.Croon let pride decide the fate of Antigens. He didn't care if Hammond and Antigens were engaged, he was just to set on the idea that since he is king, than she must be punished and killed. The pride and power that King Croon had clouded his Judgment and Instead of ruling by love, he ruled by power. In conclusion, that quote by Carl Jung perfectly relates to King Croon. One way that Croon, before blinded by power and pride, ruled by love rather than will power.The quote also relates to when Croon became king, pride power clouded his Judgment, and ruled by power, instead of ruling by love. By Trinitarian that he had raised her. Due to the brothers fighting to death, a place to be king opened up for Croon to become the new king. The quote, â€Å"Where love rules, there is no will to power; and where power predominates, there love is lacking. The one is the shadow of the other,† is by Carl Jung. The quotation relates to how when Croon wasn't kids. He was a father to them and took care of them.Whenever he could, he would settle things as if he were their father, by love, and was fair to them before he most without reason† (1. 3. 8-91)? What Hammond was meaning was that Croon loves Another way how Carl Jung quote relates to King Croon is by how when Croon clouded his Judgment. â€Å"girl guilty of treason. Breaking the given laws†¦ [your death] Antigens. He didn't care if Hammond and Antigens were engaged, he was Just to set on power that King Croon had clouded his Judgment and instead of ruling by love, he Antigone Antigens is about a princess, Antigens, who buries her brother after he and her other brother fought each other to death. As a result, King Croon wants to punish/kill Antigens for this while still him remembering that he had raised her. Due to the brothers fighting to death, a place to be king opened up for Croon to become the new king. The quote, â€Å"Where love rules, there Is no will to power; and where power predominates, there love Is lacking.The one Is the shadow of the other,† is by Carl Jung. The quotation relates to how when Croon wasn't inning, he ruled by love, but when he became king, his love lacked and ruled by pride and power. The quotation by Carl Jung relates to Croon one way by how Croon, before he was king, ruled by love. This ruling by love was evident when Croon raised Oedipus' four kids, He was a father to them and took care of them. Whenever he could, he would settle things as If he were their father, by love, and was fair to them before he became king. An example of Screen's fairness to them was since both of Oedipus' sons were both next in line to be king, Croon made a deal with them which was that the sons take turns with each other being the king for a year. Croon had his own blood- related son, Hammond, who in a scene argues with Croon, â€Å"Antigens is as much your daughter as I am your son†¦ You, to your own son, are seeking to take away what I love most without reason† (1. 3. 8-91 p What Hammond was meaning was that Croon loves Antidote as a daughter. Croon, before blinded by power and pride, ruled by love and not by will power.Another way how Carl Junk's quote relates to King Croon is by how when Croon became king, his love lacked, and ruled by power and pride. Whenever King Croon learned of Antigens being the one who buried her brother, his pride and power louder his judgment. â€Å"girl guilty of treason. Breaking the given laws†¦ [your death] gives me everything† (1. 2. 81-94). The referenced ph rase from the play Antigens, is an example of Screen's Judgment being clouded thinking that it was an act of anarchy and treason so she had to be punished/killed.Croon let pride decide the fate of Antigens. He didn't care if Hammond and Antigens were engaged, he was just to set on the idea that since he is king, than she must be punished and killed. The pride and power that King Croon had clouded his Judgment and Instead of ruling by love, he ruled by power. In conclusion, that quote by Carl Jung perfectly relates to King Croon. One way that Croon, before blinded by power and pride, ruled by love rather than will power.The quote also relates to when Croon became king, pride power clouded his Judgment, and ruled by power, instead of ruling by love. By Trinitarian that he had raised her. Due to the brothers fighting to death, a place to be king opened up for Croon to become the new king. The quote, â€Å"Where love rules, there is no will to power; and where power predominates, there love is lacking. The one is the shadow of the other,† is by Carl Jung. The quotation relates to how when Croon wasn't kids. He was a father to them and took care of them.Whenever he could, he would settle things as if he were their father, by love, and was fair to them before he most without reason† (1. 3. 8-91)? What Hammond was meaning was that Croon loves Another way how Carl Jung quote relates to King Croon is by how when Croon clouded his Judgment. â€Å"girl guilty of treason. Breaking the given laws†¦ [your death] Antigens. He didn't care if Hammond and Antigens were engaged, he was Just to set on power that King Croon had clouded his Judgment and instead of ruling by love, he antigone

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The eNotes Blog Become an eNotesTA!

Become an TA! Are you a high school or undergraduate student interested in helping your fellow peers? Perhaps you tutor on the side, or go out of your way to help friends with their homework? Well, now theres a place at just for you! is looking to enlist a small team of student contributors that were calling our TAs. Whats a TA? A TA (Teaching Assistant) is somewhere between a student and a teacher; they have the required knowledge to help others with the subject matter at hand, but can explain it all in a way that their fellow students will understand. TAs will work in our Homework Help section, writing original answers to eNoters questions from around the world. Along with our team of real-life Educators, TAs will help to make Homework Help your top choice for expert answers and instruction provided in the clearest way! To join this team you must be enrolled in school (high school or undergraduate) and possess an enthusiasm for learning and sharing what youve learnt. In return, TAs will receive: free premium membership to (unlimited access to our 250,000+ study guides, plus up to 5 Homework Help questions per day) valuable resume or college application experience special gift card rewards based on the attainment of pre-set goals How to apply: If youre interested in becoming a part of the team, please submit your application to become a TA to jgardner@. Make sure to include a little bit about yourself, your grade level, and what makes you a strong candidate for the TA program. We look forward to hearing from you! Check back at later this Fall term to see our TAs in action!

Monday, October 21, 2019

7 Patterns of Sentence Structure

7 Patterns of Sentence Structure 7 Patterns of Sentence Structure 7 Patterns of Sentence Structure By Mark Nichol Sentence structure can be categorized into seven patterns: one simple, three compound, two complex, and one compound-complex. Here are examples of each pattern with accompanying formulas, all to help you think of how to craft sentences in a greater variety of syntax: 1. Simple sentence (independent clause): â€Å"I went for a walk.† (An independent clause is set of words that includes a subject and a predicate. It can be a sentence or part of one. A dependent, or subordinate, clause is one that cannot stand on its own but provides additional information to supplement an independent clause.) 2. Compound sentence, IC+CC+IC (independent clause plus coordinating conjunction plus independent clause): â€Å"I went for a walk, and I was soothed by the gentle night air.† (Coordinating conjunctions are words that link one independent clause to another to form a compound sentence. These words can be recalled with the mnemonic FANBOYS and include for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so.) 3. Compound sentence, IC+S+IC (independent clause plus semicolon plus independent clause): â€Å"I went for a walk; I was soothed by the gentle night air.† 4. Compound sentence, IC+AC+IC (independent clause plus adverbial conjunction plus independent clause): â€Å"I went for a walk; consequently, I was soothed by the gentle night air.† (Adverbial conjunctions are adverbs that serve, when following a semicolon, to link independent clauses. They include consequently, however, moreover, nevertheless, therefore, and thus.) 5. Complex sentence, DM+C+IC (dependent marker plus clause plus independent clause): â€Å"Because I hoped to be soothed by the gentle night air, I went for a walk.† (Dependent markers are words that provide a relative context for a subordinate clause. They include after, although, as, â€Å"as if,† because, before, if, since, though, until, when, where, whether, and while.) 6. Complex sentence, RP+C (relative pronoun plus clause): â€Å"Whatever doubts I had about taking a walk dissipated when I was soothed by the gentle night air.† (Relative pronouns are pronouns that relate a subordinate clause to the noun it modifies. They include who, whom, whose, whoever, whosoever, whomever, which, what, whatever, and sometimes that.) 7. Compound-complex sentence, DC+IC+CC+IC (dependent clause plus independent clause plus coordinating conjunction plus independent clause): â€Å"As I headed out for a walk, my doubts about doing so dissipated, and I was soothed by the gentle night air.† There are, of course, many variations to these patterns; even a simple sentence, for instance, can begin with the object in the example converted to the subject of another simple sentence: â€Å"A walk was my next order of business.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:12 Signs and Symbols You Should Know40 Synonyms for â€Å"Different†20 Classic Novels You Can Read in One Sitting

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Implementing a Successful Tutoring Business Plan

Implementing a Successful Tutoring Business Plan So youve decided to start a tutoring business and youve already envisioned what you business will look like, who your potential clients will be, how much to charge, and where and when to schedule your tutoring sessions. Now Im ready to discuss how to handle the time in between your initial conversation with the client and the first tutoring session with your new student. Again, think Big Picture and think RESULTS. - What are your short- and long-term goals for this particular student? Why is his/her parent hiring you at this time? What results will the parent expect to see from their child? When parents send their children to public schools, they sometimes have lowered expectations because the education is free and the teachers have so many other students to work with. With tutoring, parents are shelling out hard-earned cash on a minute-by-minute basis and they want to see results. If they feel that you arent working productively with their child, you wont last long as their tutor and your reputation will suffer. Always keep that goal in mind before every session. Aim to make specific progress during each and every hour of tutoring. Facilitate an Initial Meeting. - If at all possible, Id recommend using your first session as a getting-to-know-you and goal-setting meeting with yourself, the student, and at least one of the parents.Take copious notes during this conversation. Here are some of the things you should discuss at this initial meeting:Clarify the parents expectations. Tell them a little about your lesson ideas and long-term strategies. Outline your invoicing and payment plans. Solicit tips for how best to work with the students strengths and weaknesses. Inquire about what strategies have worked in the past and also which ones havent worked. Ask if its OK to contact the students teacher for additional insight and progress reports. If it is, secure the contact information and follow-through at a later time. Ask for any materials that might be helpful for your sessions. Ensure that the session location will be quiet and conducive to studying. Let the parents know what you will require of them in order to maximize the effectiveness of your work. Clarify whether you should assign homework in addition to the homework the student will already have from regular school. Set Up the Ground Rules. - Just like in the regular classroom, students want to know where they stand with you and whats expected of them. Similar to the first day of school, discuss your rules and expectations, while letting the student know a little bit about you. Tell them how to handle their needs during the sessions, such as if they need a drink of water or to use the restroom. This is particularly important if you are tutoring in your own home, rather than the students, because the student is your guest and will likely be uncomfortable at first. Encourage the student to ask as many questions as he or she needs to. This is one of the main benefits of one-on-one tutoring, of course. Stay Focused and On Task Every Minute. - Time is money with tutoring. As you get rolling with the student, set the tone for productive meetings where every minute counts. Keep the conversation focused on the work at hand and hold the student tightly accountable for the quality of his/her work. Consider Implementing a Form of Parent-Tutor Communication. - The parents want to know what youre doing with the student each session and how it relates to the goals you set. Consider communicating with the parents on a weekly basis, perhaps through email. Alternatively, you can type up a little half-sheet form where you can write some informative notes and have the student bring it home to his/her parents after each session. The more you communicate, the more your clients will see you as on-the-ball and worth their financial investment. Set Up a Tracking and Invoicing System. - Carefully track each hour for each client. I keep a paper calendar where I daily write down my tutoring hours. I de cided to invoice on the 10th of each month. I acquired an invoice template through Microsoft Word and I send out my invoices over email. I request payment by check within 7 days of the invoice. Stay Organized and Youll Stay Productive. - Make a folder for each student where you will keep their contact information, as well as any notes about what youve already done with them, what you observe during your session, and what you plan to do in future sessions. That way, when your next session with that student approaches, youll have a shorthand for knowing where you left off and what comes next. Consider your cancellation policy. - Children are so busy today and so many families are mixed and extended and not living all under the same roof. This makes for complicated situations. Emphasize to the parents how important it is to attend each session on time and without too many cancellations or changes. I instituted a 24-hour cancellation policy where I reserve the right to charge the full hourly rate if a session is canceled on short notice. For reliable clients who rarely cancel, I might not exercise this right. For troublesome clients who always seem to have an excuse, I have th is policy in my back pocket. Use your best judgment, allow some leeway, and protect yourself and your schedule. Put Your Clients Contact Information in Your Cell Phone. - You never know when something will come up and you will need to contact a client. When youre working for yourself, you need to maintain control over your situation, your schedule, and any extenuating factors. Its your name and reputation that are on the line. Treat your tutoring business with seriousness and diligence and youll go far. If you decide that tutoring is for you, I wish you lots of luck and I hope all of these tips have been helpful to you!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Reflective Assessment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reflective Assessment - Research Paper Example In 2oo4, IDEA has proclaimed that children with disabilities learn more efficiently with the assistance of technology and services (Dalton, 2006). AT has not only facilitated the special needs students, but it has also contributed positively in enhancing and developing the restrained abilities of children belonging from different regions and cultures. The change in the structure of teaching method and delivery of instructions by IDEA, further recommend to the educators to be aware of the significance of AT in Education. Teachers develop, monitor, generate and deliver instructions by keeping in regard the grasping ability of students and eventually engaging them into learning process. Thus, the resources (AT) becomes more comprehend able and accessible to those who do not posses any disability or their disability has not been identified yet. The difference between IT (Instructional Technology) and AT (Assistive Technology) is often misunderstood. The awareness of human learning process linked to the task of teaching and learning is known as Instructional Technology. To evaluate the purpose of IT, the probable outcomes like instructional usefulness, instructional appeal and instructional competence is taken into consideration. Therefore, the above mentioned tools are necessary for the planning required, for instructional interventions, and the requirement of AT devices and sources according to the subject or concept. Deficiency of reading can be taken into regard as a skill and as a mean to attain information. When children with special needs use special software, developed to assist them learn phonetic pronunciation, recognition and fluency, they come into the category of IT in education. On the other hand, if the software provides audio textual information to enhance the information specifically related to the subject then it is a part of AT (Parette & Peters, 2007). Experts have highlighted the need to assess the difference between

Capital Punishment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3

Capital Punishment - Essay Example It is very clear from the arguments mentioned above regarding the violation of human rights that capital punishment is in fact a cruel way to punish a criminal. Deterrence is one of the most common arguments which are used to justify capital punishment. The question that lies in this argument is whether capital punishment has been successful in creating deterrence and has lowered the crime rate. According to these statistics five countries with highest criminal killing rate are Jamaica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Trinidad Tobago and Lesotho, these countries do have a legal system of capital punishment and even then the homicide rate in these countries is 46.6 murders per 100,000 people while on the other hand five countries that have abolished death-penalty and have highest average homicide rate of 41.3 murders per 100,00 people include Honduras, Venezuela, Columbia, South Africa and Ecuador (O'Leary, 2011). These statistics show that capital punishment has failed in its purpose of creating deterrence as countries with capital punishment have higher homicide rates. Further to prove the failure of capital punishment as a deterrent is what a lieu tenant in Kansas had to say about this subject, â€Å"I have never heard a murderer say they thought about death penalty as consequence of their actions prior to committing their crime† (Ruff). When shed light on the topic of capital punishment and deterrence it can be seen very clearly that it has failed to create deterrence and lower crime rate. ... The question that lies in this argument is whether capital punishment has been successful in creating deterrence and has lowered the crime rate. According to these statistics five countries with highest criminal killing rate are Jamaica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Trinidad Tobago and Lesotho, these countries do have a legal system of capital punishment and even then the homicide rate in these countries is 46.6 murders per 100,000 people while on the other hand five countries that have abolished death-penalty and have highest average homicide rate of 41.3 murders per 100,00 people include Honduras, Venezuela, Columbia, South Africa and Ecuador (O'Leary, 2011). These statistics show that capital punishment has failed in its purpose of creating deterrence as countries with capital punishment have higher homicide rates. Further to prove the failure of capital punishment as a deterrent is what a lieutenant in Kansas had to say about this subject, â€Å"I have never heard a murderer say they thought about death penalty as consequence of their actions prior to committing their crime† (Ruff). When shed light on the topic of capital punishment and deterrence it can be seen very clearly that it has failed to create deterrence and lower crime rate. Looking at the increasing homicide rates one can wonder if death penalty is not a good solution then what else would provide justice to a person who’s closed one has been killed or justice for the person you cold bloodedly killed that person. Well to look closely at the whole process of punishment there are many other ways that would serve as a better punishment than capital punishment. Life in prison without parole will have to be a suitable punishment for capital crimes as it will make the criminal realize that he or

Friday, October 18, 2019

Business Statistics SPSS Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Business Statistics SPSS - Research Paper Example The progress of a university is determined by the HR department who provide a favorable professional environment for collecting information and giving tangle consideration of information gathered. According to Pausits, 2015, the quality of academia and management depends on the quality of HR department and functions. In our case study, the HR department considered collecting data about the number of employees and students while benchmarking their annual pay rise because this is the only two main ends that are involved in circulation of finance in the University holding the universities' infrastructural development constant. The reason for benchmarking the pay rise comparing with 25 other universities is to have an overview of several aspects such as progress and performance of the institutions. The main need for HR department of benchmarking this information is to determine if the size of the university regarding student enrolment and the number of staffs (employees) influence the an nual pay raise. By comparing at 25 universities pay rise, we can be able to carry out data analysis and determine in the universities with the highest number of enrollment (large) have the highest pay rise comparing the universities with a low enrolment (small) rate which has the least pay rise. Since of a large number of the information provided, we are going to determine the mean (average) pay rise depending on the size of the universities (Small, Medium, and large). The hypothesis will be formulating, suitable data analysis technique and recommendation will be made according to the results of the analysis.

Nervewire case study Introduction and conclusion only Essay

Nervewire case study Introduction and conclusion only - Essay Example They must also be able to solve conflict along the way without compromising the quality of the project. Nervewire Inc is a management consulting business that was created as a new business with the vision of doing this business differently than anyone else was. Their goal was to supply ideas to fortune 500 companies and Malcolm Frank had the vision to get there. His first goal was to hire a team that fit the culture of the company and people he knew he could work with. He also planned to bring together people with ideas and creativeness and those that were willing to dedicate themselves to the project. He hired Kirk Arnold as COO because of his prior success and his abilities to see the future. Frank was successful in his endeavor of building an effective team and his new business grew quite rapidly. This paper will discuss Nervewire, what was important about how they built their business and how the two personalities of Frank and Arnold drove their company to success, surviving and growing through a major recession. Nervewire is a new company that has survived the recession. Created with success in mind, they became and have remained successful. Malcolm Frank had a vision and hired a man name Kirk Arnold who helped fuel that vision.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Marketing Mix for the Holden Commodore Case Study

Marketing Mix for the Holden Commodore - Case Study Example The car has been produced with a different target in the market but it has remained a family car. But the Holden Commodore VE Ute which was released in 2007 has a new target to individual users. It is small compared to the others but is has the appearance that makers Commodore in the market. The Holden Commodore Sport wagon which was released in 2007 is also a family car and is larger. This shows that the company has been responding to the changing need of the market and has therefore been producing models that go with the market. There are also some models that have been targeted for the upper market. Although most of the models have been selling at a constant price, there are some models like Commodore VE that has been produced target the higher income market. the company has been pressure to lower the price of the VE model as the demanding the market falls due to low sales attributed to the its exorbitant prices. (Edger, 2002) Since it was produced the primary target market for commodore has been the family. It has bee produced targeting the family market and therefore the model have been made larger in a way that they can carry the whole family. The company has been producing medium sized cars that are usually important for family travels and other means. Therefore the family has been the primary target market for the cars. ... The company has been producing cars which are meant for private use. All the models produced are personal cars which are mainly aimed for the family. The features that are produced with each successful model show that the car is for the family market. They produce medium sized cars which are safer and durable. However in the recent past there have also been productions of other models that are aimed for the secondary market. These include the sportive VE Ute which is aimed at individual travelers. But this can only be considered as the secondary market since there are not many productions that have been made on this model. Generally the company has produced cars that are primary made to meet the needs of family travelers but the trend in the market has forced it to produce other models which specifically target the individual travelers as well. The company has been improving its models since it was produced in order to put in place some futures that are meant to position it as a contented in the target market. With new models entering the otherwise competitive market, Commodore has been retaining large sales owing to the way it ha s been changing features of its cars to meet the demands of the target market. The design and the price of the cars have been well planned in order to fit the status of the target market. (Kenwrite, 2004) Positioning When the first car was produced the level of competition in the market was low compared to what it is right now. By then there were not many models that were targeted to the family target market but with time there have been new entrants in the same market that have increased the level of competition. The main competitor of the Commodore model has been the Ford Falcon, Honda CV, Toyotas Camry, Mitsubishi

Industry Networking Event Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Industry Networking Event - Assignment Example This is a movie which premiered recently and some of the aspects to do with the movie were being highlighted. The place where this activity was being carried out was at the Gnomon School of Visual Effect. The choice of location and sponsor in this case seems to be rather strategic. This is because for starters the institution is one that focuses on certain aspects which are well brought out in the movie. These are the issues to do with 3D effects among other things. The choice of this particular event was not just coincidental. It was done with the intention of finding out how individuals studying a particular concept are able to interact with the individuals who are applying what they are studying. The event was rather publicized around the Hollywood area and for this reason anyone who had interest in such an activity was in the know. The internet also played a role in the sense that it provided more information and shed more light on the information that was already at hand. Through the internet the minor details about the events and its associated activities were known. This event is actually very important especially to the individuals who are interested in the entertainment and movie-making industry. Through such an event they are able to know the finer details that are involved when developing a movie with the magnitude of the one that was being examined. It should be understood that movie production is not a simple feat as such and for this reason before embarking on such an activity one has to borrow a leaf from the individuals who have already succeeded in the same area. At the same time the event is able to make people know how certain concepts in a movie are developed. This is actually interesting because for the general public or the lay person there are some things that go on in movies which are considered to be out of the ordinary. This event brought clear understanding of such phenomena. I

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Marketing Mix for the Holden Commodore Case Study

Marketing Mix for the Holden Commodore - Case Study Example The car has been produced with a different target in the market but it has remained a family car. But the Holden Commodore VE Ute which was released in 2007 has a new target to individual users. It is small compared to the others but is has the appearance that makers Commodore in the market. The Holden Commodore Sport wagon which was released in 2007 is also a family car and is larger. This shows that the company has been responding to the changing need of the market and has therefore been producing models that go with the market. There are also some models that have been targeted for the upper market. Although most of the models have been selling at a constant price, there are some models like Commodore VE that has been produced target the higher income market. the company has been pressure to lower the price of the VE model as the demanding the market falls due to low sales attributed to the its exorbitant prices. (Edger, 2002) Since it was produced the primary target market for commodore has been the family. It has bee produced targeting the family market and therefore the model have been made larger in a way that they can carry the whole family. The company has been producing medium sized cars that are usually important for family travels and other means. Therefore the family has been the primary target market for the cars. ... The company has been producing cars which are meant for private use. All the models produced are personal cars which are mainly aimed for the family. The features that are produced with each successful model show that the car is for the family market. They produce medium sized cars which are safer and durable. However in the recent past there have also been productions of other models that are aimed for the secondary market. These include the sportive VE Ute which is aimed at individual travelers. But this can only be considered as the secondary market since there are not many productions that have been made on this model. Generally the company has produced cars that are primary made to meet the needs of family travelers but the trend in the market has forced it to produce other models which specifically target the individual travelers as well. The company has been improving its models since it was produced in order to put in place some futures that are meant to position it as a contented in the target market. With new models entering the otherwise competitive market, Commodore has been retaining large sales owing to the way it ha s been changing features of its cars to meet the demands of the target market. The design and the price of the cars have been well planned in order to fit the status of the target market. (Kenwrite, 2004) Positioning When the first car was produced the level of competition in the market was low compared to what it is right now. By then there were not many models that were targeted to the family target market but with time there have been new entrants in the same market that have increased the level of competition. The main competitor of the Commodore model has been the Ford Falcon, Honda CV, Toyotas Camry, Mitsubishi

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Industrialization and the Gilded Age Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Industrialization and the Gilded Age - Essay Example This idea is expressed in the life of Jurgis, and the lives of his family as characterized with constant work, not to live but only to survive. They signify the ones in the working class who are confronted with issues concerning unequal opportunities and labor exploitation. As mentioned by Wasowski, The Jungle serves as Sinclair’s commentary against Industrialization and Capitalism (n.pag.). In the story, the growth of public and private owned businesses creates a gap between employers and employees. The Gilded Age, the period after the Civil War and before the start of World War 1, drives economic and political change. For instance, as the Civil War had made the government more concerned about the people, the American government implemented the tenets of democracy more firmly during the previous years. Additionally, as America had already settled its internal political and civil conflicts, it took concern on economic expansion. The economic expansion in America during the Gilded Age created the working class, widened the gap between workers and employers, and spurred the development of American industrialization. In The Jungle, Sinclair establishes that the Gilded Age is the cause of the unfavorable working condition and unequal opportunities of the working class. Additionally, Sinclair implies that Industrialization and Capitalism can potentially deteriorate the basic American values (equality, independence, democracy). The Gilded Age contributes to the shift in ideals from cooperative alliance to competition among workers. Thus, Sinclair describes the working class in Packington as â€Å"low class and mostly foreign, hanging always on the verge of starvation, and dependent for its opportunities of life upon the whim of men every bit as brutal and unscrupulous as the old-time slave drivers† (116-117). Although slavery is

Monday, October 14, 2019

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Essay Example for Free

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Essay A good sales-person is one who possesses personality traits that is in their innate nature to interact with others. These are often difficult to teach but can be developed with time, depending upon the individual’s motivation to excel in their field of work. This forms the intrinsic motivation. However, the motivational tendencies of an individual sales-person alone are insufficient as it is also dependent upon extrinsic motivational factors. (Luke Ali 2011). It is a force that can spur or discourage an individual from achieving the fullest potential in any field. It can take the form of monetary or non-monetary benefits, which encompasses the extrinsic motivation of the sales-person (Luke Ali 2011). Knowing the fact that monetary incentives have been deeply entrenched as the basic method of reward for employees; it must not be assumed that relying on this method solely will be effective. Companies have to consider immaterial benefits to motivate its staffs. What is motivation? Motivation is to initiate action on a certain task. It is to expand a certain amount of effort on that particular task and to persist in expanding effort over a period of time. Therefore motivation is a driving force that pushes people to work, put in effort in their work and working harder than the rest. How to motivate your sales force to have great performance? It’s not just about the paycheck. Effective incentive compensation management is based on an understanding of basic human motivation—on the importance of trust, self-esteem, social recognition and improved chances to fulfill one’s potential (Bakosh 2007, 3). Leadership Many people assume salespeople are motivated by money, and while this is largely true, its absurd to think they are motivated only by money. Salespeople are still human and while commission bonuses and sales spiffs will probably remain an important part of most sales compensation plans, studies consistently show that financial incentives never have the same lasting impact as an employee who is passionate about his work and it is a simply not possible to be passionate about something that you think is inferior. Besides instilling natural passion into your sales team, a salesperson who truly believes in his product or service is far more likely to sell with integrity. Good teamwork is crucial to job satisfaction because it gives employees a sense of accomplishment when the objective is attained. Inspirational sales leaders are well aware that different individuals have different motivations and needs, and they vary their own style accordingly. An especially effective leader with consciously assesses each sales representative’s â€Å"ideal level of energy†, and creates productive â€Å"stretch† for each person according to the level of tension at which each performs at his or her personal best. He inspires some representatives mostly through positive reinforcement—â€Å"you can do it, you’re the best†Ã¢â‚¬â€and others mostly through constructive criticism, each according to their individual profit le and preference. Compensation Plans A well-designed compensation plan is crucial for the success of a company, and must not be overlooked. It has the ability to motivate or de-motivate an employee. In truth, it is valid to imply that, in this context, an effective plan can inspire the sales-person to generate more revenue for the success of a sales company .Hence, when designing the plan it involves the consideration of multi-factorial elements (Growth Process Group 2011). Every step has a purpose and needs to be taken into account. The sales behaviour goals are often misinterpreted by organisations, hence resulting in the failure to motivate their employees. Lastly, the design guidelines encompass the classification of the job and its entitled incentives (Growth Process Group 2011). Compensation Plans †¢Salaries are fixed amounts per month or year for performing a role. †¢Commission is a payment based on the value of sales achieved. This constantly motivates the sales-person especially since his income is strictly dependent on his sales. †¢Salary-plus-commission plans offer an incentive above a basic salary that provides a high-degree of flexibility securing salary and profits but also surpass one’s performance (Tokarev Sergey 2010). †¢Bonuses is based on one’s achievement and not working hard alone. It is the results that matters and bonuses should not be restricted to keep employees from producing results. (Lee Ann Obringer 2011) †¢Long-term incentive plans like profit-sharing plan reward employee for their performance over a continued period of time. This helps retain, motivates employees and even improve their commitment. Maslow’s hierarchy needs Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is a motivational theory that illustrates that lower-needs need to first be satisfied before higher-needs can be pursued in a hierarchal sequence. Therefore, after a need is satisfied, it will cease to motivate an individual who will inevitably seek for the next higher-need. Each level requires different actions to meet these needs in order to effectively motivate. In relation to the compensation plans above, monetary benefits may only fulfil the lower needs for an individual. Ultimately, when these needs are achieved, it’s effectiveness in motivating individuals will gradually dwindle. Non-monetary benefits will then be necessary to satisfy the individual’s higher needs, in accordance to Maslow’s hierarchical system. Only through this, can companies sustain long-term motivational effects for its employees. In relation to the compensation plans above, monetary benefits may only fulfil in the lower needs for an individual temporarily. Ultimately, when these needs are achieved, non-monetary benefits will take precedence to satisfy the individual’s higher needs, in accordance to Maslow’s hierarchical system. Only through this, can it sustain long-term motivation effects. Yet, it is necessary to be weary that while Maslow’s theory has helped in the understanding of the application of compensation plans, applying this concept workplace can be tacky as different employees can be driven by different needs. Furthermore, there are insufficient evidences to substantiate the support of the hierarchy theory because its relevance to one job might not apply likewise to another (NetMBA 2010). A sales force specific hierarchy of motivational factors- Maslow hierarchy of motivation. By understanding how an integrated and holistic approach to motivation works the importance of trust, of self-esteem, of social recognition, of improved chances to fulfill one’s potential—traditional incentive compensation management strategies can be rethought and implemented in ways that improve the performance of the sales force and help the entire company achieve high performance (Bakosh 2007, 3).

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Meaning of Life in Walt Whitmans Song of Myself Essay -- Song of

The Meaning of Life in Walt Whitman's Song of Myself Our culture seems to be fascinated by the unknown and specifically that which pertains to things of an eternal nature such as Heaven, angels, God and the meaning of forever. These things cause us to think about what we can't see and even allow us to engage ourselves in questioning the meaning behind our existence and what our purpose is here on earth. Some of these may be humorous and take on the realities of human nature while others stir something inside ourselves that cause us to take a deeper look at life. In Whitman's "Song of Myself" #44, he appears to be doing just that-- looking at life from a different perspective for a while. He begins with a challenge to mankind by saying, "What is known I strip away... I launch all men and women forward with me into the unknown. The clock indicates the moment ... but what does eternity indicate?" (1133-1136) It is as though he is asking each reader to join him in the exploration of the unknown, forgetting about the moment, and what the clock says and really considering what forever signifies. I don't know if you've ever sat down and actually thought about eternity... I mean really thought about it to the point that your brain seems like it's going to explode, but forever is a long time. It never ends...... and this is something that we as humans cannot fathom because in our lives everything has a beginning and everything has an end--anything other than this is viewed as incomprehensible. Whitman suggests that there is a certain cycle which keeps repeating itself as the years go on, indicating that perhaps eternity is made up of years of processes happening over and over again. His first example is of a bottom... ...rces" have combined, the end product is your soul. Whitman appears to have a sense of security in himself, being able to recognize where he came from ("Before I was born out of my mother generations guided me" 1163) and knowing that his life is a collaboration of efforts on many parts to make him who he is. Eventually, this would seem to indicate that it is the completion of one's soul which leads to ultimate satisfaction. Our lives will eventually lead to an eternity...and it is crucial that we take the time to evaluate our soul's future as well as its current status. Whitman clearly emphasizes the importance of looking at life as a whole and not just the moment. Through a biographical narrative of parts of his own life, urges us look at where we've been and all we've been through...look at all those who have impacted our life and realize the big picture. The Meaning of Life in Walt Whitman's Song of Myself Essay -- Song of The Meaning of Life in Walt Whitman's Song of Myself Our culture seems to be fascinated by the unknown and specifically that which pertains to things of an eternal nature such as Heaven, angels, God and the meaning of forever. These things cause us to think about what we can't see and even allow us to engage ourselves in questioning the meaning behind our existence and what our purpose is here on earth. Some of these may be humorous and take on the realities of human nature while others stir something inside ourselves that cause us to take a deeper look at life. In Whitman's "Song of Myself" #44, he appears to be doing just that-- looking at life from a different perspective for a while. He begins with a challenge to mankind by saying, "What is known I strip away... I launch all men and women forward with me into the unknown. The clock indicates the moment ... but what does eternity indicate?" (1133-1136) It is as though he is asking each reader to join him in the exploration of the unknown, forgetting about the moment, and what the clock says and really considering what forever signifies. I don't know if you've ever sat down and actually thought about eternity... I mean really thought about it to the point that your brain seems like it's going to explode, but forever is a long time. It never ends...... and this is something that we as humans cannot fathom because in our lives everything has a beginning and everything has an end--anything other than this is viewed as incomprehensible. Whitman suggests that there is a certain cycle which keeps repeating itself as the years go on, indicating that perhaps eternity is made up of years of processes happening over and over again. His first example is of a bottom... ...rces" have combined, the end product is your soul. Whitman appears to have a sense of security in himself, being able to recognize where he came from ("Before I was born out of my mother generations guided me" 1163) and knowing that his life is a collaboration of efforts on many parts to make him who he is. Eventually, this would seem to indicate that it is the completion of one's soul which leads to ultimate satisfaction. Our lives will eventually lead to an eternity...and it is crucial that we take the time to evaluate our soul's future as well as its current status. Whitman clearly emphasizes the importance of looking at life as a whole and not just the moment. Through a biographical narrative of parts of his own life, urges us look at where we've been and all we've been through...look at all those who have impacted our life and realize the big picture.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Discrimination in the Workplace of Individuals Living with A Disease or

Discrimination in the Workplace of Individuals Living with A Disease or Illness   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This research paper is a case study focusing on the discrimination of workers living with a disease or illness. I chose this topic based on the need to educate others on the signs of workplace discrimination. Job discrimination in the workplace can effect many people in many different situations. This particular study chooses to focus on those individuals living with a terminal illness. Discrimination in the workplace can occur more frequently than many expect in this advanced society. The history of job discrimination in general is vast and covers many different areas. In America, the history of discrimination in the area of employment options is a sobering one that reaches far beneath the surface of what many want to know about our seemingly â€Å"fair† society. Broad prejudices against people with illnesses survive at the threshold of the new millennium. Those prejudices, infecting those familiar and unfamiliar with the severity of functional illnesses determine the way â€Å"non-ill† people view and act toward people living and working with illnesses. Many people, however, still fail to recognize the pervasive and damaging nature of â€Å"affliction† prejudice. Deep-seated psychological and sociological mechanisms give rise to prejudice against people with illnesses. While some or all of these mechanisms also contribute to discrimination against other minority groups, their operation in the context of illness has unique characteristics that make affliction prejudice extremely difficult to identify and eradicate. Workplace screening for predisposition to illness was championed during the 1930’s, as it became clear that some workers exposed to toxins on the job became ill while others did not. Such screening is an increasingly frequent though highly controversial practice in industry today. Screening prior to employment can help individuals avoid jobs that could be hazardous to their health. But testing workers for genetic susceptibility after they become ill could be a way for employers to avoid responsibility for workers’ safety and compensation claims, shifting the blame to â€Å"genetically predisposed† workers while ignoring workplace hazards. Bailey House is an organization that was started by West Village area business people, activists and clergy members as a ... ...e insight after learning the background on the program. As with the INVEST NYC program, Bailey House has some other very well established programs that need as much support as possible and there is always a need for more participation and education.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This organization is very innovative and outstanding in the right that it possesses a zeal that is continuously making breakthroughs for clients that propel the organization to higher heights and also helps the organization grow in size and experience. The work that Bailey House has done in the community and for the community affected by the illnesses related to HIV/AIDS is remarkable and pushes them to strive toward unspeakable goals. Hopefully some of the landmark cases that have come through this organization will help to dispel stereotypes and stigmatism’s of those living with terminal illnesses that still insist on being a part of the workforce. Until then, Human Resource Management will continue to play a role in mandating fair and just treatment of those living with illnesses that are thrust into the workforce. This study has shown that barriers can be broken and optimism for a brighter future may still exist.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Beatrix Potter

Beatrix Potter was known from her literary woks that deal with the formation of ideal minds of children. Her children stories made significant prints in the world of literature. Through this, Potter became famous and influential in different parts of the world in terms of her writings and contributions to literature.Potter was born in South Kensington, London on July 28, 1866. She was not able to experience a normal and meaningful life during her childhood. Every action were detailed and numbered. She could not have more time to interact or communicate with other people.Only her pets became her friends as she kept them, studied about them, and draw them. Despite of this, she was luck for she was not a poor child like other authors or writers who seemed to start from rugs to riches. During her teenage years, she was introduced to many prominent personalities that gave her the opportunity to show her talent in writing and painting. Because she was unhappy with her childhood life, she s hared her talent to the children whom she wanted to imagine, to amaze, to laugh, or to simply become happy.Another factor that manifest in her literary works was her love for animals. Her first children story was about an animal. Her story book was filled with animal pictures along with a simple story to make a child happy. This was happen in 1892, when she started to create a children short story. She sent her story to her friends’ son. Soon, this piece became the â€Å"tale of Peter Rabbit† in 1920. This story was her first and major published work that many children used to read until today. After a year, another story was published with the help of her friends and family.Yearly, she publicized one to two stories that became famous and significant in different parts of the world during her time and until today, which can still be seen in the future. Most of her topics in her stories are about animals and vegetables because for her, it can be a way for children to be come more familiar and close to their pets and other animals as well as their eating habit when it comes to eating vegetables. Along with her writing stories, she also paints different kinds of paintings. Though those paintings are simple, they still bring life to the many people.As she started her first story in 1902, she worked for different stories that were published until 1944, a year after her death. However, though she stopped writing stories, she still wrote different letters as well as manuscripts whether personal or career manuscripts were not taken for granted. After her death on December 22 1943 at the age of 77, many authors and chroniclers had their way to give importance to the life and contribution of Potter. Her books have been translated to braille and numerous languages including German, Latin, Welsh, Spanish, French, Japanese and Dutch (Merriman, 2006).As many authors and writers’ way of giving gratitude and respect towards potter, they made her pieces rec ognized in different parts of the world by translating her text in different kinds of languages. Because of her contribution to literature, many authors of children stories patterned their pieces on Potter’s works for it can be seen as a way of nurturing children through the use of animal and vegetable characters. From this sense, many analysts have thought about the deeper sense of Potter’s attack to her writings.According to different analysts, Potter can be perceived as a conservationist for she helped environmentalists to publicize animal and plant affection through her writings. Beatrix Potter was not only an accomplished writer and artist in watercolor; she was also an observant naturalist; a hard-headed but kindly farm manager; above all she was an ardent conservationist (Diaz, 2007). She was also perceived as a potential botanist from her short stories as she transcends the life and essence of animal and plant characterization.Aside from writing and illustratin g children's books, Beatrix Potter created precise, realistic botanical drawings and paintings, which she wished to be used to illustrate scientific books on flora and fauna. (Literary Traveler, 2008). She also discussed the preservation of natural resources in a simpler yet attackable concept that children would understand. For her, because children are easy to educate, they were became her prospect to a further change on the environment. Another significant reason why Beatrix Potter became famous is because she used to writer her stories through coding.She used to write by using her own code that only she as the writer of her stories can understand the meaning of her writings. Through this, many writers, authors, analysts, and critics tried to understand the capabilities and attacks of Potter in her writings by using her code. For her, her code became her secret to provide good writing and classification of manner to formulate for children’s young minds and justifications. Another artistic pursuit for the teenage Potter was writing a journal in a code no-one could read.The Journal of Beatrix Potter 1881-1897 (first published by Frederick Warne in 1966) is part of this document, transcribed from code by Potter scholar Leslie Linder. She kept this type of journal until the age of 30 (Literary Traveler, 2008). It was seen that it was a phenomenon style that few writers or authors could do. it can be said that Potter has her own strategy to formulate her own thoughts to create stories for children. In conclusion to this, Beatrix Potter was not just a simple writer and painter during her lifetime.She made some difference in her period that is significant until today. Her literary pieces brought different light in science as well as humanity. Her secret code was also made to produce her passion for children stories without any proportion of unjustified claims and arguments from other people. It was revealed that by using her own code, Potter had a personali ty that she wanted to be along and would close her door from others. She made her own wall to separate herself from the other.It created positive impact on her writings but not on her personality and being for she remained single until she died. Works Cited Diaz, Rony. 2007. â€Å"Center for Gravity: Miss Potter. † The Manila Times. 3 February 2008. http://www. manilatimes. net/national/2007/apr/15/yehey/opinion/20070415opi2. html Frederick Warne & Co. 2007. â€Å"Beatrix Potter: A Life in Nature. † 3 February 2008. http://www. bpotter. com/? v1=BeatrixPotter&v2=Writings Kutzer, Daphne. Beatrix Potter: Writing in Code (Children's Literature and Culture, 27).Routledge Publishing, 2002. Literary Traveler. 2008. â€Å"Beatrix Potter – More Than Just Bunnies: The Legacy of Beatrix Potter. † 3 February 2008. http://www. literarytraveler. com/authors/beatrix_potter. aspx Merriman, C. D. 2006. â€Å"Beatirx Potter. † The Literature Network. 3 February 200 8. http://www. online-literature. com/beatrix-potter/ National Trust. 2008. â€Å"The Story of Beatrix Potter. † 3 February 2008. http://www. nationaltrust. org. uk/main/w-chl/w-places_collections/w-collections-main/w-collections-beatrix_potter/w-collections-feature_1-2. htm

Thursday, October 10, 2019


However, these institutions may also bring with them relaxed codes of ethical conduct that serve to exploit the neediness of developing nations, rather than to provide he critical support necessary for countrywide economic and social development. When a multinational invests in a host country, the scale of the investment (given the size of the firms) is likely to be significant. Advantages The possible benefits of a multinational investing in a country may include: HARD – Train the labor skills, other company start losing skilled workers. Improving the balance of payments – inward investment will usually help a country's balance of payments situation. The investment itself will be a direct flow of capital into the country and the investment is also likely to result in import substitution and export promotion.Export promotion comes due to the multinational using their production facility as a basis for exporting, while import substitution means that products previously i mported may now be bought domestically. Providing employment – FDA will usually result in employment benefits for the host country as most employees will be locally recruited. These benefits may be relatively greater given that governments will usually try to attract firms to areas where there is relatively high unemployment or a good labor supply. Source of tax revenue – profits of litigation's will be subject to local taxes in most cases, which will provide a valuable source Of revenue for the domestic government.Technology transfer – multinationals will bring with them technology and production methods that are probably new to the host country and a lot can therefore be learnt from these techniques. Workers will be trained to use the new technology and production techniques and domestic firms will see the benefits of the new technology. This process is known as technology transfer. Increasing choice – if the multinational manufactures for domestic mark ets as ell as for export, then the local population will gain form a wider choice of goods and services and at a price possibly lower than imported substitutes. National reputation – the presence of one multinational may improve the reputation of the host country and other large corporations may follow suite and locate as well.Disadvantages The possible disadvantages of a multinational investing in a country may include: Environmental impact – multinationals will want to produce in ways that are as efficient and as cheap as possible and this may not always be the best environmental practice. They will often lobby governments hard to try to ensure that they can benefit from regulations being as lax as possible and given their economic importance to the host country, this lobbying will often be quite effective. Access to natural resources – multinationals will sometimes invest in countries just to get access to a plentiful supply of raw materials and host nations are often more concerned about the short-term economic benefits than the long-term costs to their country in terms of the depletion of natural resources.

Internship on Hotel Industry

INTERNSHIP REPORT SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION DONE BY HARIPRASATH M 11BBA0071 IN HOTEL SHEVAROYS PRIVATE LIMITED. UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF PROF. C. M. MARAN Professor, VIT Business School SEPTEMBER 2012 CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the Internship report submitted by Hariprasath, Reg. No 11BBA0071 to VIT Business School, VIT University Vellore in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration is a bonafide record of work carried out by him under my supervision.The contents of this thesis, in full or in parts have not been submitted in any form to any other institute or university for the award of any degree or diploma. Faculty Guide Programme Manager Internal Examiner External Examiner DECLARATION I, Hariprasath M, Reg. No 11BBA0071, a Bonafide student of the VIT Business School, VIT University, Vellore, hereby declare that the Internship Report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration of the VIT University, is my original work. Date: Place: VELLORE Hariprasath. M ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to extend my sincere thanks to Prof.J. Naga Venkata Raguram (Programme Manager), VIT Business School, VIT University, Vellore. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my company guide, Mr. Umar sheriff, General. Manager, Hotel Shevaroys. , Yercaud for guiding me throughout my summer internship work. His encouragement, time and effort are greatly appreciated. I would like to thank my faculty guide, Prof. C. M. Maran , Professor, VIT Business School for all his valuable inputs and constant support towards me throughout my internship and providing me an opportunity to learn outside the class room and constantly motivating me to give my best.It was a truly wonderful learning experience. I would also like to thank my parents for supporting and encouraging me to complete the projec t. I would also like to thank all the respondents who offered their opinions and suggestions and sometimes critical views throughout the internship tenure which made me constantly update and made myself to undergo a successful training. Date: Place: Vellore Hariprasath. M CONTENTS 1. Introduction| 06| 2. Industry profile| 07| 3. Company Profile| 08| 4. Major players in hotel industry of Yercaud| 11| 5.Organizational structure of Hotel Shevaroys. | 12| 6. Several Departments of Shevaroys| 13| 7. Finance and Human Resources Department| 14| 8. Food and beverages department| 15| 9. Housekeeping department| 18| 10. Marketing department| 20| 11. Front office department| 24| 12. SWOT Analysis| 26| 13. Recommendations | 27| 14. Conclusions| 28| 1. INTRODUCTION Hotel Shevaroys is one of the finest restaurants in the hill station of Yercaud. It scores seventh rank in performance in compared with other the hotels in Yercaud surveyed by a traveler website.Since in the year 1971 in earns good na me in the society by providing quality food as well as taste. This report provides you the story Indian hotel industry and a detailed view of hotel Shevaroys. The study report makes a way to comprehend the structure and functions of the organization in a restaurant. The internship report pacts with the organizational functions and performance of hotel Shevaroys In this report, I have studied the performance process that is being carried out in the company. The first part of my report shrinks with a detailed organization study.It includes the industry profile, company’s profile, company’s activities and operations, organizational structure, etc. This section gives a exhaustive information about the company and the nature of its functioning. The second part deals with performance and functioning of various departments such as finance, human resources, food and beverages, front desk, resident departments sections. In this section, I have given a brief description towards the sections of functioning. In the third part of my report contains my findings, suggestions and conclusion. 2. INDUSTRY PROFILEThe size of Indian hotel industry is $20 billion. Thirty percent of the sector is organized. An additional 20 international brands are expected to come to India in the next two years. Within the sector that is organized, the 5-star hotel segment contributes 58 per cent. After witnessing exceptionally bad years in FY09 and FY10 due to the global economic slowdown and terror attacks, the Indian hotel industry appears to be now on a path of slow recovery. Foreign tourist arrivals (FTAs) to India surged from 5. 11 m in 2009 to 5. 58 m in 2010, thereby resulting in an increase of 9. 3% Yo-yo.India occupies the sixty-eighth position among the top tourist destinations in the world, according to the travel and tourism competitiveness report 2011. To encourages the tourism sector, the government in recent times, has taken some measures which will benefit the sector . In the general budget for 2011-12, Rs 11. 7 bn for development of tourism infrastructure and promotion of tourism was allocated. This figure is higher by Rs 1. 0 bn compared what was allocated in the previous year. The Centre and states are also working out a PPP (Public-Private-Partnership) model to increase hotel capacity.Government of India increased spend on advertising campaigns (including for the campaigns ‘Incredible India’ and ‘Athithi Devo Bhava’ – Visitors are like God) to reinforce the rich variety of tourism in India. The ministry granted tourist visa on arrival (T-VoA) for the citizens of tourist destination and undertook various measures, such as stepping up vigilance in key cities and at historically important tourist sites. The tourism ministry has envisaged a budgetary allocation of Rs 200 billion in the Twelfth Five Year Plan.According to the latest Tourism Satellite Accounting (TSA) research, released by the World Travel and Tour ism Council (WTTC), the demand for travel and tourism in India is expected to grow by 8. 2% between 2010 and 2019. This will place India at the third position in the world. India’s travel and tourism sector is expected to be the second largest employer in the world. Capital investment in India’s travel and tourism sector is expected to grow at 8. 8% between 2010 and 2019. The report forecasts India to get more capital investment in the travel and tourism sector and is projected to become the fifth fastest growing business travel estination from 2010 through 2020. 3. COMPANY PROFILE The beginning: In the year 1971, Mr. N. Ramasamy Udayar, a freedom fighter and industrial list of Salem bought a British Bungalow situated amidst 14 acres of lush green coffee plantations and converted it into a guest house with just 4 rooms and a small kitchen to cater to the then rare visitor of Yercaud. Being a strong visionary, he sensed the potential for growth of the tourism industry i n Yercaud which inspired him to set path in the expansion of the property.Consequently, in the year 1972-73, the small guest house blossomed into a hotel with the addition of 8 more rooms and a restaurant making Hotel Shevaroys the first fully operational hotel on the hills. At the advent of 1979, Mr. Udayar introduced the concept of individual cottages to accommodate the elite and wealthy who sought luxurious accommodation. With the commencement of 11 uniquely designed and well-appointed cottages, Hotel Shevaroys set the trend of offering villa style accommodation which became the most sought after and favorable type of stay in Yercaud.By this time, Hotel Shevaroys was the first to have its own licensed permit room and added more food & beverage outlets to its portfolio. The journey: The year 1991 witnessed the succession of the management by Mr. R. Devadass, the third son of Mr. Ramasamy Udayar. Being a young and energetic graduate in Arts as well as Law, Mr. Devadass spruced up t he operation of the entire hotel. This paved way for Hotel Shevaroys to grow leaps and bounds to be the premier hotel of Yercaud today standing with 80 rooms, 11 cottages, 4 food & beverage outlets, the majestic Lantana convention hall and an in-house supermarket.Stepping Ahead: The gradual transition of the management from Mrs. & Mr. Devadass to Mr. Prabhu Ram and Ms. Swathi Virutha is paving way for yet another era of enviable growth for this wonderful haven of hospitality. As an initial step, the hotel is undergoing a major up gradation of its appeal to meet out the demands of the modern traveler and provide the ultimate hill resort experience. Super Market: The Shevaroys Super Market, located within the hotel premises, is the ideal place to shop for your daily requirements and also grab souvenirs for your family and friends back home.Items native to Yercaud such as coffee, pepper, medicinal herbal oils and homemade chocolates are some of our best sellers. Internet & Browsing: Br oad band connectivity is available at the browsing centre here and enables you to stay connected even while on vacation! The browsing center is also equipped with photo-copying and printing facilities. In addition, an exclusive train ticket booking system is available for your convenience. Bonfire Sitting around a warm fire outdoors is a greater way to socialize and cozy up on a cool night.For those guests who’d like to enjoy this experience, we can arrange for a bonfire on the lawn (charges apply). An outdoor buffet dinner can also be organized for a group of guests. Plantation Walk Coffee is grown extensively in the Shevaroyan Hills and walking through the plantations is a great way to experience the freshness of the coffee bloom. The plantation Walk, located within the hotel, is a trail that leads its way into the vast coffee plantations and provides a close look at the coffee shrubs, the tall Silver Oak trees with Pepper vines climbing around their trunks, various ornamen tal and medicinal plants.The tall trees and shrubs are home to many birds like the bul-bul, myna and sparrows. The squirrels found here are high on caffeine-just saying†¦ Children’s Play Park An open children’s play area complete with swings, slide and see-saw et al lets your wee ones have their share of holiday fun! Recreation Room An indoor games facility located at the basement of the Lantana Hall will interest those who would like to engage themselves in a game of table-tennis, carom, chess or a host of other board games Beauty Parlor and Massage RoomHolidaying in a hill station does not have to mean forgoing the regular facial, hair cut or trim. Separate beauticians for gents and ladies are available throughout the day at your service. The masseurs are experts in massaging your body to rejuvenate and tone up your tried muscles with a wide assortment of Ayurveda and Swedish massages OBJECTIVES OF HOTEL SHEVAROYS: Hotel Shevaroys’s objective is to provid e the best, comfortable . memorable and luxurious trip to Yercaud. Hotel provides easy access to an excellent variety of facilities. MISSION STATEMENT:To be recognized as one of the best first-class hotels in Yercaud and to constantly strive to improve, allowing us to prosper as a business for the benefit of our guests, our employees and our owner. VISION: The success of any business is contingent on the ability to meet and exceed customer expectations. At the Hotel Shevaroys, we are proud of our strong commitment to both our guests and our team members. We recognize that the delivery of exemplary guest services dependent on a group of caring team members who share common goals and a true spirit to serve.Those goals and service spirit are expressed in Our Big Three, which lies at the heart of our hotel mission statement our hotel is a place where every guest receives100% satisfaction in the service, products and environment we proudly provide. VALUES: It is one of our main values th at our guest should enjoy luxurious time in our hotel. SUBSIDARIES: The subsidiaries of Hotel Shevaroys are * Malar Mess Pure vegetarian hotel located in Yercaud. * Karupaiah hotel. Spicy non vegetarian hotel in Yercaud. * Shevaroys institute of hotel management, Yercaud. * Hotel Salem Shevaroys. 4.MAJOR PLAYERS OF HOTEL INDUSTRY IN YERCAUD 1. The Regent Hill Side Resort. 2. Grand Palace & Spa. 3. GRT Nature Trails Hotel. 4. The Lake Forest Hostel Yercaud. 5. Grange Resort 6. Sterling Resort 7. Classic Cottage 8. Wellington Hill Resort 9. Hills Resort 10. Yercaud International 11. Tamilnadu Tourism Development Corporation. 12. Silver Holiday Cottages 13. Ponkailash Holiday Home 14. Star Holiday Inn 5. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE OF HOTEL SHAVEROYS 6. FUNCTIONS OF THE DEPARTMENT The major departments of the restaurant are: * Food and beverages department * Service department House keeping * Accounts department * Marketing department * Front desk (reception) department. The five departme nts are actively working with the co-ordination. These five departments come under general manager Mr. Umar Sheriff. The operational departments of the hotel are * Housekeeping department * Food and beverages department * Front office department The strategic departments of the hotel are * Marketing department * Finance department 7. FINANCE DEPARTMENT: * The H. R united finance and human resources departments are managed by Mr. Kailasm with two assistant’s graduates. The finance department inclined purchases, sales, and salaries of the employees. * A key area in accounting, accounts payable ensures that all bills are paid on time and all discounts are taken minimizing the costs of the hotel. * Accountants work closely with the purchasing department to verify that all invoices to be paid are indeed invoices of the hotel. * The assistant accountant divides the various functions to be performed so that the workload will be even. * Assistant might be responsible for daily transa ctions while another works on special projects, budgets, analyses. Shevaroys keeps two ledgers: the guest ledger is associated with the guests staying at the hotel while the city ledger contains all other billings. * The accounting department has a person in accounts receivable working with the city ledger so the hotel is able to bill and collect revenues due. Human Resource * The company recruits the employees directly from their own hotel institute and other institutes. * The employees are trained as per the performance appraisal. * The work securities provided to employees specially women. * The company provides monthly groceries to the employees from their supermarket. Free medical checkups facilities are provided to the employee 8. FOOD AND BEVERAGES DEPARTMENT * Food and Beverage Department (F&B) is responsible for maintaining high quality of food and service, food costing, managing restaurants, bars, etc. * Food and Beverage Service is the service of Food made in the Kitchen and Drinks prepared in the Bar to the Customers (Guest) at the Food & Beverage premises, which can be: Restaurants, Bars, Hotels, Airlines, Cruise Ships, Trains, Companies, Schools, Colleges, Hospitals, Prisons, Takeaway, etc * Mr. Raja prakash is the manager of the department. Food and beverages department includes: * Bar * Kitchen * Red dragon Resto-bar Duties of Food and Beverages Department: * The Food & Beverage department is the largest department on board comprising of various areas working together to cater to our guest’s food and beverage needs. * From mouth-watering meals to deliciously refreshing cocktails. * Entry level positions within this department include waiters, cooks, bar servers, hotel stewards. * Prepare tables or counters for meals. * Stock the service area with supplies (for example,  coffee, glassware). * Greet customers; present menus and help customers select menu items. Inform customers about daily specials. * Record orders and place them with th e kitchen and bar. * Pick up and serve orders. * Check that customers are enjoying their meals and correct any problems. * Suggest and serve desserts and beverages. * Clean and reset tables. Bar: * Mr. Neelakandan manages the bar. * Mr. Shakhi is the assistant manager of the bar. * The bar timings from 11am to 10 pm. * Local liquors are supplied. * Chicken and veg items are provided as side dish. * Liquors include 14. 5% taxes extra and service charges. Kitchen: * Here kitchen is maintained in good hygienic conditions. Mr. Rajaappa is the chief chef of the hotel. * The kitchen of Shveroys divided into Chinese and Chettinadu styles. * Kitchen consists of dish wash as sub department. * Over 20 chefs are working in a team in the kitchen. * Chefs in the hotel are well trained as well as experienced. * Shevaroys has repeated customer for its tasty food. * The kitchen is vast spacious with modern cooking articles. Resto-bar: A restobar is a pub, bar, and mini club all combined into one bu ilding. Including the huge couches and a small dancing floor. * In Shveroys resto-bar is named as Red Dragon. In this bar foreign liquors are served. * Price of the liquors includes all the taxes. * The bar fully air conditioned. * It opens at 10. 30 in the morning and at 12. 30 at night. * The bar has more local customers than tourists. * The bar is decorated with mirrors, wooden handicrafts. * The bar is also maintained in hygienic conditions. * Waiters are well trained to serve the custom. ORGANISATIONAL CHART OF FOOD AND BEVERAGES DEPARTMENT 9. HOUSE KEEPING DEPARTMENT * Housekeeping is the department that deals essentially with cleanliness and all ancillary service attached to that. The customer feels comfortable only in the environment which is clean and well ordered, so cleanliness is important for health foremost also for well-being. * Accommodation in hotels tend to be the largest part of the hotel, it is the most revenue generating department, the housekeeping department t akes care of all rooms is often largest department in Shevaroys. * The rooms in hotels are offered as accommodation to travelers/ guest as individual units of bedroom. * Hotel offer laundry, dry leaning facilities for guest clothes, shoe polishing facilities also.Hotel aims to make environment comfortable and offer specialized service to the guest. * Shevaroys make the ambiance as pleasant as possible by nice colour scheme, attractive furnishing and a well-kept efficient staff. * The fine accommodation and service are provided to the guest so they are pleased with the hotel. * The guest satisfaction is its primary object and the hygiene factor is always being present in the hotel. * The manager of housekeeping department is Mr. Raman a postgraduate is hotel management. * The department includes linen department, Mr.Govindarajan manages the linen department * The linen department is the Centre stage for the supporting role that the Housekeeping Department plays in the hotel. Most lin en rooms are centralized and act as a storage point and distribution center for clean linen. * Over 25 employees are working in housekeeping department of Shevaroys. ORGANISATIONAL CHART OF HOUSEKEEPING DEPRARTMENT KEY: *1 – Standard, Bougain, Old archit villas *2 – Cottage, Dalia, New archit, rooms 10. Marketing department Marketing mix: The hotel Shevaroys’s is integrating all elements of marketing mix successfully. Promotion: The basic way of promoting the hotel is by phone calls and then the personal meeting by the marketing staff, added to that they value customer’s comments too and it’s very important for promoting hotel. * Marketing staff’s public relation is very strong they meet the corporate people on a very friendly way. * Public relation in local market will remain an important element in them marketing mix presenting the hotel as a supportive member of the communicating and participating in significant local events. * For advert isement they publish broachers, and if there any new packages comes then they make it in broacher, Buffet packages etc. Words of mouth are very important for promoting any hotel but for this the hotel staff needs to be very punctual and good, added to that their services need to be very quick. * Primary focus will remain on mass communication with via print ads in trade publications and on the internet. * Direct mails campaigns to existing prospective client will increase as a cost effective meaning of target campaigning Product: * Hotel’s products are its rooms and services and better the room and services will behigher the reputation of the hotel and the quality of product. High quality services accompanied by exemplary personal service, differentiated from competition quality with an overall brand strategy, has proven to be the successful approach, generating high level of repeat business. Rooms: There 73 rooms available for cutomers with 6 types namely * Luxury Villa * De luxe Villa * Orchid room * Dahlia room * Rose room(deluxe double bedded) * Bougainvilla room (standard four bedded) * Standard double bedded room All of the rooms are calm best place to spend the time. Conference hall: * There is a conference hall called Lantana with a capacity of three undred members. * Vast spacious with wooden flooring. * Food and beverages are supplied as per the request of the customer. Price: As Shveroys is a three star hotel price of the rooms are moderate and comfortable to the travelers. * Luxury VillaRs. 5200 * Deluxe VillaRs. 4200 * Orchid roomRs. 2800 * Dahlia roomRs. 2300 * Rose roomRs. 2011 * Bougainvilla room Rs. 1700 * Standard double bedded roomRs. 1100 * The above quoted tariff is on double occupancy basis and exclusive of taxes. * Luxury & service tax 17. 65% on the published tariff. * Extra person charges Rs. 650 + taxes. Rates are inclusive of complimentary buffet breakfast served at the Silver Oak restaurant. Features: * Comprehensive variety o f rooms and luxury cottages available at wider range of prices. * Luxury and deluxe villas have individual car parking facilities. * Active room service. * 24 hour travel desk ( including air and trail travel). * Doctor on call. Marketing plan: The marketing plan of Shevaroys’s is structured to enable them to achieve the strategic goals we have set for them, in terms of increasing overall revenue as a result of differentiating their  products and services from the competition. Our marketing team of Shevaroys will ensure that the plan is implemented to the best of their ability and with the highest levels of efficiency and accuracy. Website Plan: Website plan of Shevaroys is already up and running but needs to be redesigned to give it an updated look and feel, as well as to secure interactively. The content is good but just need a refresher. Website goals of Shevaroys: The website needs to be able to do the following: * Convey our messaging of high quality, luxury business a ccommodation. Being able to make reservation online able to make changes online. Sales plan: * The sales plan hinges upon our sales strategy, sales process and, prospecting plan. * As long as we follow the plans laid below we should be in good shape. 11. FRONT OFFICE DEPARTMENT The Front Office is the nerve center of a hotel. Members of the front-office staff welcome the guests, carry their luggage, and help them register, give them their room keys and mail, answer questions about the activities in the hotel and surrounding area, and finally check them out.In fact, the only direct contact most guests have with hotel employees, other than in the restaurants, is with members of the front-office staff. . The front office functions can be divided into five general areas: 1. Reception 2. Bell service 3. Mail and information 4. Concierge 5. Cashiers and night auditors Duties of front office department: * The Front Office function of a Hotel is to act as the public face of the hotel, prima rily by greeting hotel patrons and checking in guests. * It also provides assistance to guests during their stay, completes their ccommodation, food and beverage, accounts and receives payment from guests. * Sell guestrooms; register guests and design guestrooms * Coordinate guest services * Maintain guest account statements and complete proper financial settlements. * Receive and process reservation requests for future overnight accommodations. * It also provides assistance to guests during their stay completes their accommodation, food and beverage accounts and receives payment from guests. ORGANISATIONAL CHART OF FRONT OFFICE KEY: H. K-House Keeping 12. SWOT ANALYSISStrength: * Unique taste. * Financial strength. * Talented employees. * Brand name. * Repeated customers. * Centre of the hill station. * Good leadership with the locals & travelers. * Sundry types of rooms. Opportunities: * Can become no. 1 restaurant in yercaud * Can expand branches all over Tamilnadu. * Can improve the hotel facilities into five star range Weakness * Old infrastructure * More competitors * No air condition rooms * No Wi-Fi facilities * No swimming pool * Very few indoor game facilities * Diversity among the workers Threats Lack of picking up of new technology new hotels will occupy the market. * Fewer travelers during winter season. * Few rooms are filled during week days. * Travelling facility is very poor during rainy season * No other entertainment except site seeing RECOMMENDATIONS: * The quality of food must be improved in hotels. * Prices of food must be reason able according to their food standard and services. * The hotels should follow new technological trends. * There must be proper marketing and sales promotion for hotel industry. * Hotel should be constructed at beautiful locations. They must raise their voice and negotiate with government for chalking out sound policies for the improvement in hotel and tourism industry. * Parking facilities must have ample space. * Room services should be according to needs of customers. * Attendants must be adequately trained, educated, well behaved and efficient. KEYS TO SUCCESS: * Continue to develop ongoing relationships with frequent and new guests. * Continue to develop and implement a strong communications plan in both national and international markets. * Leverage our strength in the local market as a member of the community by supporting local events. Identify new markets for our services such as University-based target groups. * Continue ongoing staff training and skill development to ensure the highest standards of  service. CONCLUSION This is sure that positive learning’s are more than negative learning because internship is an important part of the BBA, it has includes many learning’s including these. Confidence of the important learning of the internship because in class room we didn’t learn how to talk and conversation with the customers especially in English language s o, the internship has given us the chance to do that.Because is something that I learned with the meeting with different types of peoples exclusively for marketing peoples. Through this Internship Training, I have secured a deep practical & theoretical knowledge about the functions of various departments of Shevaroys and I am able to gain various managerial functions and how the employees are trained and how they are benefited in the company learned after this training experience.